Imagen | Título | Texto |
Smile |
:) :-) (: | |
Wink |
;) | |
Frown |
:( | |
Mad |
:mad: >:( :@ | |
Confused |
:confused: | |
Cool |
:cool: 8-) | |
Stick Out Tongue |
:p :P :-p :-P | |
Big Grin |
:D | |
Eek! |
:eek: :o | |
8 Ball |
:8ball: | |
Alarm Clock |
:alarmclock: | |
Anchor |
:anchor: | |
Angry |
:angry: | |
Anguished |
:anguished: | |
Artist Palette |
:artpalette: | |
Astonished |
:astonished: | |
Athletic Shoe |
:athleticshoe: | |
Baby Bottle |
:babybottle: | |
Balloon |
:balloon: | |
Bank |
:bank: | |
Banknote Dollar |
:dollar: | |
Banknote Euro |
:euro: | |
Banknote GBP |
:gbp: | |
Banknote Yen |
:yen: | |
Barber Pole |
:barberpole: | |
Baseball |
:baseball: | |
Basketball |
:basketball: | |
Bath |
:bath: | |
Bathtub |
:bathtub: | |
Battery |
:battery: | |
Bell |
:bell: | |
Bell Cancel |
:bellcancel: | |
Bento Box |
:bento: | |
Bikini |
:bikini: | |
Birthday Cake |
:birthdaycake: | |
Black Nib |
:blacknib: | |
Black Telephone |
:blacktelephone: | |
Blue Book |
:bluebook: | |
Blush |
:blush: | |
Bomb |
:bomb: | |
Bookmark |
:bookmark: | |
Bookmarks Tab |
:bookmarktab: | |
Books |
:books: | |
Bouquet |
:bouquet: | |
Bowling |
:bowling: | |
Bridge Night |
:bridgenight: | |
Briefcase |
:briefcase: | |
Bus Stop |
:busstop: | |
Calendar |
:calendar: | |
Camera |
:camera: | |
Carousel Horse |
:carouselhorse: | |
Carp Streamer |
:carpstreamer: | |
CD |
:cd: | |
Checkered Flag |
:checkeredflag: | |
China |
:china: | |
Christmas Tree |
:christmastree: | |
Church |
:church: | |
Circus Tent |
:circustent: | |
City Sunrise |
:citysunrise: | |
Cityscape Dusk |
:cityscapedusk: | |
Clapper Board |
:clapperboard: | |
Clipboard |
:clipboard: | |
Closed Book |
:closedbook: | |
Closed Lock w/Key |
:closedlockkey: | |
Closed Umbrella |
:closedumbrella: | |
Clubs |
:clubs: | |
Cold Sweat |
:coldsweat: | |
Confetti Ball |
:confettiball: | |
Confounded |
:confounded: | |
Construction |
:construction: | |
Convenience Store |
:conveniencestore: | |
Credit Card |
:creditcard: | |
Crossed Flags |
:crossedflags: | |
Crown |
:crown: | |
Crying Cat |
:cryingcat: | |
Crystal Ball |
:crystalball: | |
Darts |
:darts: | |
Date |
:date: | |
Department Store |
:departmentstore: | |
Diamonds |
:diamondsuit: | |
Disappointed |
:disappointed: | |
Disappointed but Relieved |
:disrelieved: | |
Dizzy |
:dizzy: | |
Door |
:door: | |
Dress |
:dress: | |
Droplet |
:droplet: | |
:dvd: | |
Electric Plug |
:electricplug: | |
European Castle |
:eurocastle: | |
European Post Office |
:europo: | |
Expressionless |
:expressionless: | |
Eyeglasses |
:eyeglasses: | |
Eyes |
:eyes: | |
Factory |
:factory: | |
Fax Machine |
:fax: | |
Fear Scream |
:fearscream: | |
Fearful |
:fearful: | |
Ferris Wheel |
:ferriswheel: | |
File Folder |
:filefolder: | |
Fire |
:fire: | |
Firework Sparkler |
:fsparkler: | |
Fireworks |
:fireworks: | |
Flagstick |
:flagstick: | |
Flashlight |
:flashlight: | |
Floppy Disk |
:floppy: | |
Flower Playing Cards |
:flowercards: | |
Flushed |
:flushed: | |
Foggy |
:foggy: | |
Football |
:football: | |
Fork and Knife |
:forkknife: | |
Fountain |
:fountain: | |
France |
:france: | |
Frowning |
:frowning: | |
Fuel Pump |
:fuelpump: | |
Game Die |
:gamedie: | |
Gem Stone |
:gemstone: | |
Germany |
:germany: | |
Ghost |
:ghost: | |
Gift |
:gift: | |
Graduation Cap |
:gradcap: | |
Great Britain |
:greatbritain: | |
Green Book |
:greenbook: | |
Grimacing |
:grimacing: | |
Grin |
:grin: | |
Grinning |
:grinning: | |
Guitar |
:guitar: | |
Gun |
:gun: | |
Hammer |
:hammer: | |
Handbag |
:handbag: | |
Headphones |
:headphones: | |
Hear No Evil |
:hearnoevil: | |
Heart Eyes |
:hearteyes: | |
Heart Eyes Cat |
:hearteyecat: | |
Hearts |
:heartssuit: | |
High Heel |
:highheel: | |
Hospital |
:hospital: | |
Hotel |
:hotel: | |
Hourglass |
:hourglass: | |
Hourglass w/Flowing Sand |
:hourglasssand: | |
House |
:house: | |
House w/Garden |
:housegarden: | |
Hushed |
:hushed: | |
Imp |
:imp: | |
Inbox |
:inbox: | |
Incoming Envelope |
:incomingenvelope: | |
Innocent |
:innocent: | |
IPhone |
:iphone: | |
Italy |
:italy: | |
Izakaya Lantern |
:isakayalantern: | |
Jack O' Latern |
:jackolantern: | |
Japan |
:japan: | |
Japanese Castle |
:japanesecastle: | |
Japanese Dolls |
:japanesedolls: | |
Japanese Goblin |
:japanesegoblin: | |
Japanese Ogre |
:japaneseogre: | |
Japanese Post Office |
:japanesepo: | |
Jeans |
:jeans: | |
Joker Card |
:jokercard: | |
Joy Cat |
:joycat: | |
Key |
:key: | |
Kimono |
:kimono: | |
Kiss |
:kiss: | |
Kissing |
:kissing: | |
Kissing Cat |
:kissingcat: | |
Kissing Eyes Closed |
:kissingclosed: | |
Kissing Heart |
:kissingheart: | |
Kissing Smiling |
:kissingsmiling: | |
Knife |
:knife: | |
Korea |
:korea: | |
Laughing |
:laughing: | |
Ledger |
:ledger: | |
Left Magnify |
:leftmagnify: | |
Light Bulb |
:lightbulb: | |
Link |
:link: | |
Lipstick |
:lipstick: | |
Lock |
:lock: | |
Lock w/Ink |
:lockink: | |
Loud Speaker |
:loudspeaker: | |
Love Hotel |
:lovehotel: | |
Love Letter |
:loveletter: | |
Mail Closed Flag Lowered |
:mailclosedflaglower: | |
Mail Closed Flag Up |
:mailclosedflagup | |
Mail Open Flag Lowered |
:mailopenflaglower: | |
Mail Open Flag Up |
:mailopenflagup: | |
Mans Shoe |
:mansshoe: | |
Mask |
:mask: | |
Megaphone |
:megaphone: | |
Memo |
:memo: | |
Microphone |
:microphone: | |
Microscope |
:microscope: | |
Milky Way |
:milkyway: | |
Mini Disc |
:minidisc: | |
Mobile Calling |
:mobilecalling: | |
Money Bag |
:moneybag: | |
Money Wings |
:moneywings: | |
Moon Viewing Ceremony |
:moonceremony: | |
Mount Fuji |
:mtfuji: | |
Movie Camera |
:moviecamera: | |
Moyai |
:moyai: | |
Music Keyboard |
:musickeyboard: | |
Mute |
:mute: | |
Name Badge |
:namebadge: | |
Necktie |
:necktie: | |
Neutral |
:neutral: | |
Newspaper |
:newspaper: | |
Night Stars |
:nightstars: | |
No Mouth |
:nomouth: | |
Notebook |
:notebook: | |
Notebook w/Decorative Cover |
:notebookdecorative: | |
Nut And Bolt |
:nutbolt: | |
Office Building |
:officebuilding: | |
Oops! |
:oops: | |
Open Book |
:openbook: | |
Open File Folder |
:openfile: | |
Open Lock |
:openlock: | |
Open Mouth |
:openmouth: | |
Orange Book |
:orangebook: | |
Outbox |
:outbox: | |
Package |
:package: | |
Page Facing Up |
:pagefaceup: | |
Page w/Curl |
:pagecurl: | |
Pager |
:pager: | |
Paperclip |
:paperclip: | |
Party Pooper |
:partypooper: | |
Pencil |
:pencil: | |
Pensive |
:pensive: | |
Performing Arts |
:performingarts: | |
Persevere |
:persevere: | |
Personal Computer |
:personalcomputer: | |
Pill |
:pill: | |
Pine Decoration |
:pinedecoration: | |
Poop |
:pileofpoop: | |
Postal Horn |
:postalhorn: | |
Postbox |
:postbox: | |
Pouch |
:pouch: | |
Pouting Cat |
:poutingcat: | |
Purse |
:purse: | |
PushPin |
:pushpin: | |
Radio |
:radio: | |
Rage |
:rage: | |
Rainbow |
:rainbow: | |
Relaxed |
:relaxed: | |
Relieved |
:relieved: | |
Ribbon |
:ribbon: | |
Right Magnify |
:rightmagnify: | |
Ring |
:ring: | |
Roladex |
:roladex: | |
Roller Coaster |
:rollercoaster: | |
Rotating Light |
:rotatinglight: | |
Round PushPin |
:roundpushpin: | |
Rugby |
:rugby: | |
Running Shirt w/Sash |
:runshirtsash: | |
Russia |
:russia: | |
Satellite |
:satellite: | |
Saxophone |
:sax: | |
School |
:school: | |
School Satchel |
:schoolsatchel: | |
Scissors |
:scissors: | |
Scream Cat |
:screamcat: | |
Scroll |
:scroll: | |
Seat |
:seat: | |
See No Evil |
:seenoevil: | |
Ship |
:ship: | |
Shooting Star |
:shootingstar: | |
Shower |
:shower: | |
Silhouette of Japan |
:silhouettejapan: | |
Skis |
:skis: | |
Skull |
:skull: | |
Sleeping |
:sleeping: | |
Sleepy |
:sleepy: | |
Slot Machine |
:slotmachine: | |
Smile |
:smile: | |
Smile Cat |
:smilecat: | |
Smiley |
:smiley: | |
Smiley Cat |
:smileycat: | |
Smiling Imp |
:smilingimp: | |
Smirk |
:smirk: | |
Smirk Cat |
:smirkcat: | |
Smoking |
:smoking: | |
Sob |
:sob: | |
Soccer Ball |
:soccerball: | |
Space Invader |
:spaceinvader: | |
Spades |
:spades: | |
Spain |
:spain: | |
Speak No Evil |
:speaknoevil: | |
Speaker |
:speaker: | |
Speaker One Sound Wave |
:speakerone: | |
Speaker Three Sound Wave |
:speakerthree: | |
Speech Balloon |
:speechballoon: | |
Statue of Liberty |
:statueofliberty: | |
Straight Ruler |
:straightruler: | |
Sunglasses |
:sunglasses: | |
Sunrise |
:sunrise: | |
Sunrise Mountains |
:sunrisemountains: | |
Sweat |
:sweat: | |
Sweat Drops |
:sweatdrops: | |
Sweat Smile |
:sweatsmile: | |
Syringe |
:syringe: | |
Tears of Joy |
:tearsofjoy: | |
Telephone Receiver |
:telephonereceiver: | |
Telescope |
:telescope: | |
Television |
:television: | |
Tennis Ball |
:tennisball: | |
Tent |
:tent: | |
Thought Balloon |
:thoughtballoon: | |
Ticket |
:ticket: | |
Tired |
:tired: | |
Toilet |
:toilet: | |
Tokyo Tower |
:tokyotower: | |
Tongue Closed Eyes |
:tongueclosed: | |
Tongue Out |
:tongueout: | |
Tongue Wink |
:tonguewink: | |
Top Hat |
:tophat: | |
Traingular Ruler |
:triangularruler: | |
Triangular Flag |
:triangularflag: | |
Triumph |
:triumph: | |
Trophy |
:trophy: | |
Trumpet |
:trumpet: | |
TShirt |
:tshirt: | |
Umbrella w/Rain Drops |
:umbrellarain: | |
Unamused |
:unamused: | |
United States |
:unitedstates: | |
:vhs: | |
Video Camera |
:videocamera: | |
Video Game |
:videogame: | |
Violin |
:violin: | |
Volcano |
:volcano: | |
Watch |
:watch: | |
Weary |
:weary: | |
Wedding |
:wedding: | |
Wind Chime |
:windchime: | |
Wink |
:wink: | |
Womans Boots |
:womansboots: | |
Womans Clothes |
:womansclothes: | |
Womans Hat |
:womanshat: | |
Womans Sandal |
:womanssandal: | |
Worried |
:worried: | |
Wrench |
:wrench: | |
Yum |
:yum: | |
Roll Eyes |
:rolleyes: | |
Er... what? |
o_O O_o o.O O.o | |
Alien |
:alien: | |
Barefoot |
:barefoot: | |
Cautious |
:cautious: | |
Coffee |
:coffee: | |
Cry |
:cry: | |
Devilish |
:devilish: | |
Geek |
:geek: | |
Giggle |
:giggle: | |
Inlove |
:inlove: | |
Laugh |
:laugh: | |
Ninja |
:ninja: | |
Notworthy |
:notworthy: | |
Poop |
:poop: | |
Roflmao |
:roflmao: | |
Sick |
:sick: | |
Sleep |
:sleep: | |
Sneaky |
:sneaky: | |
Speechless |
:speechless: | |
Thumbsdown |
:thumbsdown: | |
Thumbsup |
:thumbup: | |
Unsure |
:unsure: | |
Whistling |
:whistling: | |
X3 |
:x3: |